Dvd Potty Training Using Live Action Or Characters The Pros And Cons

Dvd Potty Training Using Live Action Or Characters The Pros And Cons

By Colleen Langenfeld

Since toddlers can get bored quite easily, using a DVD for potty training is a great way to introduce toilet training to your toddler as well as keep her motivated long into the training process.

The two main categories of videos used for potty training education are live action movies, which feature actual children explaining the potty training process, or character movies, using either celebrity characters such as Elmo or animated creatures such as teddy bears or children.

It can be difficult to decide which type of DVD will help your child the most. Let’s look at the pros and cons of both in order to make a useful decision.

Live action potty training DVDs – the pros.

– There is far less room for confusion when using a live action DVD. A toddler watching other real children explain the potty process generally comprehends what the actors are talking about. Always watch the DVD with your child the first time and ask questions to determine his level of understanding, as well as clear up any misunderstandings that can occur.


– Often the children in the DVD are a considerable ways past potty training age, making them a sort of toilet training role model for your toddler. The point is that your younger child will want to look up to and emulate the older child. You’ll have to decide if this is a good idea or not, but the process does take advantage of that natural inclination in most children.

How about the cons of live action DVDs?

– Precisely because the children on the DVDs tend to be put into the position of role models for your child, you’ll want to be sure that the messages conveyed in the DVD are what you want for your child. For example, you’ll want the stars of the DVD to spend more time focusing on potty training than on how well they sing, dance or flaunt their costumes.

Character DVDs for potty training – the pros.

– If your child has a beloved television character, watching it explain and encourage potty training is quite powerful. You don’t have to build empathy for the character, it’s already there and your child is naturally predisposed to listen to and cooperate with the character.

– Many toddlers respond positively to happy animated characters, whether animals or children. And why not? These types of characters are often warm and engaging and provide a sort of companion for your child as she potty trains. You can even take advantage of this idea by purchasing a companion doll or stuffed animal featured in the character DVD to potty train alongside your child.

What are the cons of character DVDs?

– Again, make sure the message is what you want your child to absorb. Otherwise you’ll find yourself needing to help your toddler or preschooler unlearn unwanted attitudes at the same time you’re trying to potty train.

For either type of video,

– remember that a DVD for potty training will often be watched over and over – and over again. So make sure the video is something YOU can stand, Mom or Dad!

– Look for accurate and clear potty training information as well as good use of a song, dance or a rhyme. It is quite frequent (and was true in our household) that one good potty song or dance will motivate a child to keep using the potty until those new bathroom habits become second nature.

Which is exactly what you want.

About the Author: Colleen Langenfeld has potty trained four kids and helps other moms get more out of their mothering at http://www.paintedgold.com . Toilet train faster using her potty charts and creative ideas plus uncover which

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videos will help your child train by visiting today.



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